Monday, November 22, 2010

2010 Holiday Brochure

Holiday 2010
Everything is baked fresh when ordered. Free delivery
within a 15 mile radius of Nunica.
Free delivery available
in the Grand Rapids area Nov. 24,
Dec. 11 and Dec 23.
$10.00 minimum order
All fruits,veggies,honey and syrup are made/grown local.
Due to this our menu and availability are continually changing with the season.
Pistachio Bread $3.50
Pork and Bean Bread $3.50
Honey Nut Oatmeal Bread $5.00
Amish Cinnamon Bread $4.00
Apple Cinnamon Bread $4.50
Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Bread $5.00
Banana Bread $4.00
with nuts $4.50
Lemon Poppyseed Bread $3.50
Breakfast Bread
( Cherry, Peach or Apple) $4.00
Irish Soda Bread $3.50
Cranberry Nut Bread $5.50
Applesauce Oatmeal Bread $4.50
Pumpkin Bread $4.50
Peanut Butter Bread $4.00
Cappuccino Choc. Chip Bread $5.00
Maple Nut bread $5.50
Cookies $2.50/half Doz.
Butterscotch Oatmeal
Choc. Chip
Peanut Butter
Mint Choc.Chip
Apple Pie-$7.50
Carmel Apple Pie $8.00
Pecan Pie $10.00
Blueberry Jam $3.50
Seafoam $8.00 lb
Peppermint Bark $8.00 lb
Christmas mini cake $4.00

Check us out on Facebook for brief descriptions and other available items.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pekin Ducks for sale

Pekin Ducks for sale $10.00 each.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lionhead bunnies currently for sale!

Born June 23 2010.These are double maned blue eyed white Lionhead rabbits. I currently have 2 bucks available. They come with pedigree papers, are tattooed and are pre loved. Ready now to go to there forever homes :) $50.00


The Greenland Farms truck delivers to the Allendale, Hudsonville and the Grand Rapids area every 2 weeks. The dates for next month are Sept. 5 and Sept. 19. I'm also delivering today :) I deliver fresh baked goods, goat soap and coming very soon fresh eggs. I also can deliver any critters that I currently have for sale for you to purchase or to look over. And I also deliver Avon :) If you would like for me to add you as a stop or to order any items please leave me a direct message or email me at

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Greenland Farms Tour

From Left to right- Jack Leech, Georgia, Delaney Brockmeyer and Lucy Boeve.

Thanks for coming over and spending some time with us. We really enjoyed you being over. And I know our animals especially loved it!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

We are now on Facebook

Come check out Greenland Farms on Facebook!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pekin ducklings!!

They are so soft and tiny. These 1 day old ducklings will grow fast and start growing their feathers in no time. Pekins are included in the heavyweight breeds of ducks. Known for there meat and eggs. 95% of all ducks consumed in the US are Pekin. Aside from being popular for consumption. Pekins are very social and can be a great pet to have. If you have just one as a pet at a time. < excerpt from Wikipedia explains> "Ducks can be both outdoor and indoor companion animals, with numerous pet accessories available to help keep them comfortable and your home clean. They are successful "indoor" pets because they are adaptable to house life (be sure to provide them with toys and stimulation). When taken on supervised outings in nature, if properly imprinted, the duck will stay with the human "flock" member(s) and not wander away. If a predator or danger approaches, the duck will seek safety and remain with their human flock member rather than flee and become lost and separated away from the human flock member."
My personal experience is having 3 adult Pekins come to the back door every morning and every night begging for a treat. And of course we cave in :) the males have a hoarsness to their voice and the females are very vocal. Which make them a target for coyotes, foxes and raccoons.( amungst others I'm sure) Because of their body mass and wing position Pekins are unable to fly. They are known to live 9-12 years on average.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The bunnies at 2 weeks old

Fuzzball's babies will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. They are starting to move around a little more and have grown a lot more fur. Also their eyes have started to open.

In a few more weeks we should be able to tell if they are bucks or does.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What does a double maned Lionhead blue eyed white look like?

This is the kits Buck/Father Furball. More pics of Mom and Dad to come.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fuzzball had her babies!!

Fuzzball is a blue eyed white double maned Lionhead rabbit with pedigree papers. After many attempts at breeding her they have arrived. Baby bunnies are called kits. They are also born furless, blind and deaf. They only nurse from their mother 2-3 times a day. She doesn't lay next to them and nurse instead she stands above them. When she is ready for them to be born she pulls out a bunch of her own fur to make a nest. Bunnies should be weaned no sooner then 6 weeks.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Been a long time

Sorry I haven't blogged in over a month. Busy working outside. Got a new chicken coop built. Only thing left to do is paint it and make some nesting boxes.
Also made a corn crib into a pig house. Outlined it with some some field fence today. Exodus checked it out for a little while :)Boy, those other goats were so jealous!
Picking up the pigs this Saturday. They are yorkshire/hampshire cross. They are going to be some big piggys.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Egyptians considered a milk bath the ultimate in luxurious living and Cleopatra regularly bathed in pure milk. Modern science has discovered that goat milk soap has a pH level similar to that of human skin." ~ Gina Napoli

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Egg talk"

Brown or White? What's the difference? I've had a lot of people either ask me what the difference is between the two or say to me "Brown eggs are gross" or "I wouldn't dare try one they are the bad eggs". Well I'm here to tell you their really isn't a difference. Besides the fact that different kinds of chickens produce different colored eggs. Most but not all hens with white feathers and white earlobes will lay white eggs, whereas hens with red feathers with matching colored earlobes give us brown eggs. And then there is Ameraucana hens (also known as Easter chickens) they lay various shades of blue & blue-green.
So if there isn't a difference why are brown eggs more expensive? Hens that produce brown eggs are larger than white egg producing hens. So they eat more and need more space.
As far as taste goes. You are what you eat. If you feed your chickens garbage, well that's what you'll be tasting. Our chickens are fed corn and search for food by scratching the ground. They also love our berry bushes. During the bad winter months they are given a natural hen mash. Non medicated and without hormones. And I must say a farm fresh egg tastes the best!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bunnies get a treat

Greenland Farms currently has 4 Rabbits. Whiskers, Fur ball ,Fuzzball and Cookie. With Easter around the corner the kids maybe asking for a bunny. Well what can you feed them you ask?
Give starchy vegetables (e.g., carrots) in moderation, and use bits of fruit only in very, very small quantities if at all here is a short list apple, apricot, banana, cherries, mango, peach, plum, papaya, pineapple, apricot, berries.... Too much sugar and starch is not good for rabbits. And can lead to cecal dysbiosis (diarrhea)which can be deadly. It may also cause your bunny to become obese or not want to eat their regular food.
The best kind of hay to give rabbits is grassy hay. Grass hays include timothy, orchard grass, Bermuda grass, and others. I prefer Timothy. Many people assume alfalfa hay is great for rabbits Alfalfa hay is high in protein and minerals like calcium, which can be too rich for your bunny to eat all the time, causing health problems like obesity and bladder stones. Alfalfa is great for a baby or growing bunny, but an adult bunny usually needs a grass hay like timothy, or a mixed grass hay that is mostly timothy but might have some alfalfa in it. Most bunnies do like the taste of alfalfa better, so you might tempt a picky bunny with it first and then switch him to timothy by mixing the hays together for a while.
Fresh greens are about as important as hay in maintaining a healthy intestine. Rabbits need the fiber in hay and greens to uninterrupt their bowel movements. Rabbits can not regurgitate. With them being self cleaners like cats, they pass a lot of hair through their intestines. Try broccoli, dark leaf lettuces, kale, parsley, carrots (with tops!), endive, escarole, dill, basil, mint, cilantro, cilantro, spinach, tomato, celery (cut up into smaller pieces, to avoid problems with the tough strings getting stuck in their teeth).
Above all always have fresh water available. I use crocks. I think it is more natural for them to drink from a crock then a bottle. It's easier to clean. And a rabbit will usually drink more water from a clean, heavy crock than from a sipper bottle.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dog sitting one of Ginger's puppies for the next couple of days. He's 5 months old now and weighs a little over 10 pounds. Won't get much bigger. Small dogs are full size at around 6 months and just kind of fill out. I love this pic my friend/sis Amy took of him when he was just around 6 weeks old.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Exodus and Georgia last spring. I can't wait for it to return!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

planning my garden!

With the temps up near 40 degrees today. The snow is melting at a nice rate. With the driveway mushy and more and more birds singing... I'm planning my garden. The only thing that seems to grow good is green peppers and tomatoes. Although I hate green peppers and tomatoes I love salsa. So this year I plan on growing a salsa garden. Surfing the web I found a site What is great is even if you don't have room for a "garden" most of the plants that you grow for a salsa garden can be grown in containers on your deck. Maybe that will keep some of my plants from be feasted on by deer. That and planting a bunch of marigolds around the house or I have even heard of using human hair.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So that is a picture of our baby Sweetheart. She is just over one years old. She's our little stinker that gets out of the stall and follows us around. Wish I had a camera last night.
Georgia was screaming as she was giving grain to the goats. One little bucket and 5 goats to contend with was a little much for her. Sweetheart was all over her. Over her shoulder trying to climb on her. Anything to just get a little bit to herself. I tried not to laugh when Georgia looked at me with a frown "Stop laughing at me! It's not funny! Knowing Sweetheart is a good maybe 30 pounds and the only one she really had to contend with since the rest couldn't get out. I continued my walk to the hay building. Not hearing much for awhile. I decided to walk over to the goat barn.
"I got it under control mamma! Don't worry" There she was with her left hand feeding the 4 goats, a chicken at her feet eating and Sweetheart eating out of her right hand. My little multi tasker hard at work :0)

Greenland Farms

Well I seemed to have dipped into everything else so I've decided to blog. Bare with me as I figure this one out. I have many things happening this year at "the farm" :)