Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So that is a picture of our baby Sweetheart. She is just over one years old. She's our little stinker that gets out of the stall and follows us around. Wish I had a camera last night.
Georgia was screaming as she was giving grain to the goats. One little bucket and 5 goats to contend with was a little much for her. Sweetheart was all over her. Over her shoulder trying to climb on her. Anything to just get a little bit to herself. I tried not to laugh when Georgia looked at me with a frown "Stop laughing at me! It's not funny! Knowing Sweetheart is a good maybe 30 pounds and the only one she really had to contend with since the rest couldn't get out. I continued my walk to the hay building. Not hearing much for awhile. I decided to walk over to the goat barn.
"I got it under control mamma! Don't worry" There she was with her left hand feeding the 4 goats, a chicken at her feet eating and Sweetheart eating out of her right hand. My little multi tasker hard at work :0)

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