They are so soft and tiny. These 1 day old ducklings will grow fast and start growing their feathers in no time. Pekins are included in the heavyweight breeds of ducks. Known for there meat and eggs. 95% of all ducks consumed in the US are Pekin. Aside from being popular for consumption. Pekins are very social and can be a great pet to have. If you have just one as a pet at a time. < excerpt from Wikipedia explains> "Ducks can be both outdoor and indoor companion animals, with numerous pet accessories available to help keep them comfortable and your home clean. They are successful "indoor" pets because they are adaptable to house life (be sure to provide them with toys and stimulation). When taken on supervised outings in nature, if properly imprinted, the duck will stay with the human "flock" member(s) and not wander away. If a predator or danger approaches, the duck will seek safety and remain with their human flock member rather than flee and become lost and separated away from the human flock member."
My personal experience is having 3 adult Pekins come to the back door every morning and every night begging for a treat. And of course we cave in :) the males have a hoarsness to their voice and the females are very vocal. Which make them a target for coyotes, foxes and raccoons.( amungst others I'm sure) Because of their body mass and wing position Pekins are unable to fly. They are known to live 9-12 years on average.
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