Friday, March 4, 2011

Pooch peeing a problem?

If only those big brown eyes would answer why... why... WHY!! To get a answer is a process of elimination.( no pun intended)
First off there is a few different kinds of peeing. Don't be confused with large puddles of urine on the floor and think your dog is marking his territory. Large puddles usually indicate " Hello, I had to go out and I couldn't hold it anymore"
Male dogs that are not neutered or were not neutered early in life ( before he knew he was a man) are far more likely to mark their territory. Although male dogs are more likely female dogs have been known to scent mark also.
Do you have more then one dog in the house? Marking can be a competitive dominance sport with two dogs going back and forth over the same spot over and over.
So why do dogs do this in the first place?
Some do it for dominance, others to claim what is theirs. Yes, your sneakers, table leg and the kids backpack. Others do it because of the feeling of insecurity or of separation anxiety.
So how to stop all the peeing nonsense? A few suggestions for the dog that loves to pee in the same spot.
First- get your dog spayed or neutered. Even at a older age it can greatly reduce the dogs urge.
Second- Make sure to clean up the spot really really good. You must completely remove the scent to discourage him from wanting to do it again. Clean with 50/50 vinegar and water.
Third- Catch him!! With close supervision. confine him to a small room or a room with all doors closed. Make yourself a noise maker. Such as a coffee can with coins in it. As soon as you see a sign such as sniffing and turning. Shake the can. Hard!! Yell something like "NO PEE!" "STOP IT!" or a couple of other short words ( I'm sure by now you could think of some good ones :) If you have a real alpha type dog you might want to throw the can toward him. No, not at him but near him. He needs to get the message. Do not scream, yell or hit him. This will just feed the flame and make a insecure dog even more insecure. When it is time to let him out to really pee make sure to praise him when he does go outside. It's amazing what positive reinforcement does.
* you can also try to put his bowl where his "spot is"
And for the anxiety ones that pee on everything!!
First- Of course neuter but I've wrote enough about that already.
Second- Try leaving something of yours like a worn shirt. Anxiety peeing is because the dog misses you and this might do the trick. ( I'd try a old shirt first of course)
Third- He might be feeling left out. Especially if you have a new baby in the house, recently moved, started a new relationship etc etc. Try to include him as much as you can with the family.
If all else fails you can try the belly band. I personally wonder if my boy Rosco would keep it on but it would be worth a try. You can make one yourself. Just take a burp cloth and some Velcro. ( wish I would of tried that when our goat cupid lived in the house for 3 months)
Some dogs will never be trusted to have the run of the house. You can crate them or close off all doors and keep him in a room that he won't cause much problems.
and of course their is submissive peeing.... that will have to wait for another day :)