Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fuzzball had her babies!!

Fuzzball is a blue eyed white double maned Lionhead rabbit with pedigree papers. After many attempts at breeding her they have arrived. Baby bunnies are called kits. They are also born furless, blind and deaf. They only nurse from their mother 2-3 times a day. She doesn't lay next to them and nurse instead she stands above them. When she is ready for them to be born she pulls out a bunch of her own fur to make a nest. Bunnies should be weaned no sooner then 6 weeks.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Been a long time

Sorry I haven't blogged in over a month. Busy working outside. Got a new chicken coop built. Only thing left to do is paint it and make some nesting boxes.
Also made a corn crib into a pig house. Outlined it with some some field fence today. Exodus checked it out for a little while :)Boy, those other goats were so jealous!
Picking up the pigs this Saturday. They are yorkshire/hampshire cross. They are going to be some big piggys.